California Pizza Kitchen

カリフォルニア ピザキッチン

Nunc sapien mauris, imperdiet ac pellentesque quis, facilisis non sapien. Maecenas congue vehicula mi, id luctus mi scelerisque nec. Cras viverra libero ut velit ullamcorper volutpat. Maecenas ut dolor eget ante interdum auctor quis sed nunc. Proin faucibus, mauris vitae molestie sodales, erat nisi rhoncus justo, in placerat turpis elit sed eros. Mauris molestie, justo et feugiat rutrum, arcu metus dapibus quam, sollicitudin tempus tortor dolor et nibh.


  • スマートパス (Smart Pass)
  • 楽天カード (Rakuten Card)


  • 15ドル以上の食事注文でアイスティー1杯サービス
  • One Free Iced Tea for purchase of $15 or more item

Benefit Information

適用カード (Benefit for:)

Rakuten Smart Pass

*Rakuten Card is not accepted

Please present your Rakuten Smart Pass to receive your benefit.

*Benefit is for each person carrying/showing their card.

